Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Left's War with Uber

Uber is a fast-growing company that serves as a unique alternative to traditional taxi service. Rather than try to hail a cab, one can simply request a ride through the Uber app. Independent Uber drivers then see the request, and come pick you up. The process is safe, easy, and often cheaper than a taxi.

Uber is a remarkable new innovation that improves the lives of many Americans. Despite that, Democratic Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders recently come out against it. Clinton starts off with paying lip service to the innovation that companies like Uber bring to the economy, but quickly switches to condemnation for their employment strategies.

Essentially, Uber treats all of their drivers as what they are: independent contractors. They are simply individuals willing to use give rides to others using Uber in exchange for money (which Uber takes a cut of), all done through the app. At no point in the process does Uber actually direct the drivers in any way. They are free to work as much or as little as they please, and take whatever jobs they see fit. If the drivers don't like it, they're free to quit at any time.

Hillary Clinton sees this arrangement, but ignores the mutual benefits between Uber, the drivers, and the passengers. Instead, she decries the lack of benefits and security that drivers have. She is correct that Uber doesn't offer maternity leave, but why should they have to? The vast majority of Uber drivers are happy to work under the conditions they are offered, so why should regulators have to step in to fix a perceived problem?

Clinton is not alone. Senator Bernie Sanders agrees, citing serious problems with Uber due to a "lack of regulation". Both Sanders and Clinton profess to want more jobs and more economic growth in America. Uber is a quintessential American innovation, using technological advances to offer a superior product. Their opposition to this speaks volumes to their economic ignorance.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio recently tried to cap the number of Uber drivers in New York City, citing similar fears to Clinton and Sanders. He dropped the plan after a the public outcry against the proposed scheme, which was widely perceived to benefit only the city-licensed cab drivers, and not the people of New York City.

Many politicians on the left who attack Uber miss the point. Uber provides quick, quality service that benefits both the driver and the passenger. It is a perfect example of a market innovation that improves the lives of people across the nation. Clinton should be praising Uber, not attacking them.

The market created Uber, and politicians are trying to destroy it.

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